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The 9 Best and Important Books for Product Managers in 2023

9 Must-Read Books for Product Managers | The 9 Most-Read Books by Top Product Managers

Shailesh Sharma
6 min readJul 2, 2023


Personally, it helped me a lot in the last 1 year solving user problems and delivering great user experince

Recommendation #1

Book — How to Create Tech Products Customers Love” by Marty Cagan

Summary: “Inspired” offers practical advice and insights on product management, covering topics such as product discovery, product strategy, and effective product teams.

Why it is important to read this book: This book provides valuable guidance on creating products that customers love, offering insights into successful product management strategies and best practices.

Recommendation #2

Book — The Lean Product Playbook

Summary of this book: “The Lean Product Playbook” provides a comprehensive guide to applying lean startup and product management principles in practice. It offers a step-by-step framework for developing successful products through a process of continuous innovation, minimum viable products (MVPs), and rapid customer feedback. The book covers various aspects of product management, including idea generation, product-market fit, prototyping, user testing, metrics, and scaling.

Why it is important to read this book:

  • Gain a solid understanding of the lean startup methodology and its application to product management.
  • Learn practical techniques for developing products in an iterative and customer-centric manner.
  • Understand how to validate product ideas, identify target customers, and iterate based on user feedback.
  • Acquire insights into creating MVPs, conducting effective user testing, and leveraging metrics for data-driven decision-making.
  • Improve your ability to manage product development processes, collaborate with cross-functional teams, and drive successful product outcomes.

Recommendation #3

Book — Cracking the PM Interview: How to Land a Product Manager Job

Summary of this book: “Cracking the PM Interview” is a comprehensive resource designed to help aspiring product managers succeed in their job interviews. The book covers a wide range of topics relevant to product management interviews in the technology industry. It provides guidance on resume building, behavioural and technical interview questions, product design, metrics, estimation, and more. The authors draw from their own experiences as product managers and interviewers to offer practical advice and strategies for navigating the interview process.

Why it is important to read this book:

  • Gain a thorough understanding of the product management interview process, including common types of questions and expectations of interviewers.
  • Learn proven techniques and frameworks for answering behavioural and technical interview questions effectively.
  • Acquire insights into product design principles and strategies for tackling product design challenges in interviews.
  • Enhance your ability to estimate and analyze product-related metrics, a crucial skill for product managers.
  • Develop confidence and readiness for product management interviews by practising with the sample questions and answers provided in the book.

Recommendation #4

Book — Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products

Summary of this book: “Hooked” explores the psychology behind building habit-forming products and provides a framework for designing and creating products that keep users engaged. The book introduces the Hook Model, which consists of four stages: trigger, action, variable reward, and investment. Nir Eyal explains how to leverage these stages to build products that become an integral part of users’ daily lives. The book also covers ethical considerations and discusses how to use these principles responsibly.

Why it is important to read this book:

  • Gain a deep understanding of the psychological principles behind habit formation and user engagement.
  • Learn how to design products that create user habits, fostering long-term user retention and loyalty.
  • Acquire insights into the strategies and techniques used by successful companies to build habit-forming products.
  • Understand the ethical implications of designing habit-forming products and how to approach these considerations responsibly.
  • Enhance your ability as a product manager to create products that deliver sustained value and engagement to users.

Recommendation #5

Book — Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas

Summary of this book: “Sprint” introduces a practical framework called the design sprint, which helps teams rapidly solve complex problems and test new ideas in just five days. The book outlines a step-by-step process for conducting a sprint, from setting a long-term goal to prototyping and testing a solution. It combines design thinking, rapid prototyping, and user testing to accelerate the product development cycle and foster innovation. The sprint methodology has been successfully applied by teams at Google Ventures and other organizations.

Why it is important to read this book:

  • Gain a practical framework for tackling complex problems and testing ideas in a short timeframe.
  • Learn how to streamline the product development process and make quick progress towards solutions.
  • Acquire insights into techniques for collaborative decision-making, prototyping, and user testing.
  • Understand how to align teams and stakeholders around a common goal and work efficiently together.
  • Enhance your ability to drive innovation and solve problems effectively within time constraints.

Recommendation #6

Book — Decode and Conquer: Answers to Product Management Interviews

Summary of this book: “Decode and Conquer” is a comprehensive guide for product management interview preparation. It covers a wide range of topics and provides detailed insights, strategies, and sample answers to commonly asked interview questions. The book includes guidance on behavioural questions, product design, estimation, metrics, and strategy. It aims to equip product management candidates with the knowledge and techniques needed to excel in their interviews and secure product management job offers.

Why it is important to read this book:

  • Gain a thorough understanding of the product management interview process and the types of questions typically asked.
  • Learn proven frameworks and strategies for answering interview questions effectively and showcasing your skills.
  • Acquire insights into the mindset and expectations of interviewers, allowing you to better prepare and present yourself.
  • Develop confidence in your ability to handle various interview scenarios and articulate your product management expertise.
  • Increase your chances of success in product management interviews by leveraging the knowledge and resources provided in the book.

Recommendation #7

Book — INNOVATORS DILEMMA: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail

Summary of this book: “The Innovator’s Dilemma” explores the challenges faced by established companies when disruptive technologies emerge in the market. Clayton Christensen presents a framework that explains why successful companies often struggle to adapt and innovate in the face of disruptive change. He discusses the concept of sustaining innovations versus disruptive innovations and provides numerous case studies to illustrate the patterns and dynamics at play. The book offers insights into the forces that lead to the failure of successful companies and provides guidance on how to navigate disruptive technologies.

Why it is important to read this book:

  • Gain a deep understanding of the dynamics of disruptive innovation and the challenges it poses to established companies.
  • Learn about the strategies and behaviours that often lead successful companies to miss out on disruptive opportunities.
  • Acquire insights into how to identify and respond to disruptive technologies in your industry.
  • Understand the importance of balancing sustaining innovations (improving existing products) and disruptive innovations (creating new markets).
  • Enhance your ability to drive innovation and adapt to changes in your industry by learning from the successes and failures of other companies.

Recommendation #8

Book — Cracking the PM Career

Summary of this book: “Cracking the PM Career” is a comprehensive guide that covers various aspects of a product manager’s career journey. The book provides insights into the skills, frameworks, and practices needed to excel as a product manager. It covers topics such as understanding user needs, prioritization, roadmap planning, execution, and leadership. The authors draw on their own experiences and industry expertise to offer practical advice and real-world examples to help product managers navigate their careers successfully.

Why it is important to read this book:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the key skills and competencies required to thrive as a product manager.
  • Learn practical frameworks and techniques for solving common product management challenges.
  • Acquire insights into effective communication, collaboration, and leadership within a product management role.
  • Understand the nuances of different product management career paths and how to advance in your career.
  • Enhance your ability to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the product management profession and accelerate your professional growth.

Recommendation #9

Book — Product Management For Dummies

Summary of this book: “Product Management For Dummies” provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of product management. The book covers the fundamental concepts, processes, and techniques used by product managers. It explores topics such as market research, product strategy, product development, launch, and lifecycle management. The authors provide practical advice, tips, and real-world examples to help readers grasp the essentials of product management and apply them effectively in their own roles.

Why it is important to read this book:

  • Gain a solid foundation in product management principles, regardless of your level of experience.
  • Learn about the key processes and techniques used by successful product managers.
  • Understand how to effectively research, define, develop, and launch products in the market.
  • Acquire practical tips and best practices for managing product lifecycles and driving product success.
  • Increase your confidence and ability to contribute effectively to product management discussions and decision-making.

