Machine Learning for Product Managers — Module 5

Machine learning modelling, Parametric and Non-Parametric Machine Learning Algorithms, the complexity of the model, bias-variance tradeoff, and performance of the linear regression model.

Shailesh Sharma
Sep 25, 2022


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Module 5— Machine Learning Model Development

In this module, we will learn the following topic

  1. What does it mean by Machine learning modelling?
  2. How to do an evaluation of Machine Learning Models
  3. Parametric and Non-Parametric Machine Learning Algorithms
  4. Linear Regression
  5. What’s the difference between simple linear regression and multiple linear regression?
  6. How does the complexity of the model affect the error of the machine learning model?
  7. What is the bias-variance tradeoff?
  8. How will you evaluate the performance of the linear regression model?

Machine Learning @ Berkeley ODSC - Open Data Science



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