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How would you design a Library for the Future?

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Shailesh Sharma
7 min readNov 3, 2021


Interviewer: Design a library for the future?

Shailesh: Okay, let me first clarify my understanding of the library; the library is the place where one can find a lot of resources which he wants to read, he can rent the book, and it also gives the kind of environment which is suitable for reading books and networking with other people. Is there any other thing in your mind which you want me to add to this?
Interviewer: This seems okay.

Shailesh: I have a few questions which I want to get clarified. When we are designing the library for the future, I am assuming that we are using advanced digital technologies, which may have a prominent impact on the social and economic well being, something like high tech library. Are we aligned on this?
Interviewer: Yes, we are designing something that is technologically advanced.

Shailesh: Alright, since libraries can be of different types like physical libraries, completely virtual library or hybrid ones. What are we currently focusing on? According to my standpoint, we can have high tech hybrid library assisting with advanced technology. Although the completely virtual libraries are, the one which is highly scalable and the hybrid library will have initial physical cost. Still, the kind of impact hybrid libraries may give is completely unmatchable, so I want to go ahead with the hybrid library. What do you think?
Interviewer: Yes, you can go ahead with the hybrid library.

Shailesh: Is there any resource and time constraint should I be aware of because it may play an essential role while prioritizing the features.
Interviewer: No, we are not having any resources or time constraints; you can go as far as you can.

Shailesh: Alright, let me reiterate what we have discussed and form an objective of the problem. The goal of the problem is to create a hybrid library assisting with advanced technology or technology of industry 4.0 to give the users a one of a kind experience.
Interviewer: Go ahead.

Shailesh: The way I would like to approach this problem is, first will see our customer segment and their user journey and, depending on that, will see some of the pain points. After prioritizing the pain points, we can see some potential solutions in priority and corresponding success metrics. At last, we can think of some of the potential tradeoffs or some future aspects of the Solution. Sounds okay?
Interviewer: Sounds excellent.

User Segment/ User Personas

Shailesh: Let’s first see the different user segments

  1. Kids (with their parents), I am considering kids as a potential customer segment because they are the ones who are very fascinated about colors, shapes, patterns etc. Their parents want their kids to learn concepts from them using advanced technology, also want them to interact with other kids.
  2. Students who want to access different resources which are not available to them like books, journals etc. They want the kind of environment which is suitable for reading.
  3. Young professionals who want to read about something and network with like-minded people, their clients, colleagues etc.
  4. Retired people who just want to spend their leisure time reading and want to socialize with people.

All are exciting customer segments, but I would like to target the young professionals because they are the ones who can relate better to the technologies they are working on or heard of. Can I target this segment, or do you want me to consider the different user segments?

Interviewer: Go ahead.

User Journey

Shailesh: Alright, let’s see their broad user journey, which will lead us to their pain points and use cases.

  1. Get into the library and put their belonging in a safe place.
  2. I am searching for books and a place to sit.
  3. Reading and access to the necessary facilities.
  4. Return the material and check out the library.

Pain Points

Shailesh: Now, let’s see the different use cases or pain points

  1. As a user, I would want to check beforehand about the availability of books or if the library is houseful.
  2. As a user, I would want easy access to the books and materials.
  3. As a user, I would want intuitive navigation access inside the library.
  4. As a user, I would want a suitable environment to read if I am alone and a perfect space to talk with others if I am discussing something with my colleagues.
  5. As a user, I would want a smooth checkout process.

Solutions/ Features

Shailesh: Now, let’s see the solutions to the above pain points.

  1. The library can have a web application that anyone can access and is able to see if there is an empty space inside the library or certain books are available on not. He should be able to book the slot. When you reach the library, you just have to scan the QR code and enter the library. [Solution to pain point 1]
  2. The library can also have premium users who don’t have to book a slot; they can just walk into the library; the library can use computer vision to track the users. [Solution to pain point 1] [Moonshot]
  3. For searching the book, there can be a kiosk desk installed in which you can type in the books you want to read, and it will point out the exact location of the books, and you can get the book. [Solution to pain point 2]
  4. The library can also have virtual reality installed in which you just say which book you want to read, and it will tell the location of the book and escort you to the place. [Solution to pain point 2]
  5. There can be drone assistants as well, where to which you can talk, and they will escort you to your seat and deliver the book there. [Solution to pain point 2] [Moonshot]
  6. The library can have audible rooms; you just book the room, and you can listen to the books, and this noisy room has an immersive screen at which you can read the book. This feels like same as if you are reading a physical book. The person can also see the summary of the book, also bookmark anything and send it to his personal note etc. [Solution to pain point 2]
  7. There can be different dynamic infographics that can help a user to access other areas like washrooms, drinking water facilities, cafes to get coffee. [Solution to pain point 3]
  8. There can be a facility to call a drone assistant who will escort you to different places like a washroom and can get you coffee, Sweets and Savories etc. [Solution to pain point 3] [Moonshot]
  9. The library can have the facility of walk-in and takeaway kind of feature in which if a person wants to rent a book; he just needs to walk in taking take away the book with him. He will automatically be charged with the rent. (On the same line as Amazon Go). [Solution to pain point 3]
  10. The library environment(Temperature and Odor) should be adjusted to the one which is perfectly suitable to read books. [Solution to pain point 4]
  11. The library can have multiple discussions rooms, which can be booked online, and you can have discussions with colleagues. The discussion rooms should be equipped with a projector, screen etc. which boosts the productivity of a person. [Solution to pain point 4]
  12. The library can have a feature in which, as soon as their slot get over, they will be automatically charged the amount. In the case of the physical books, they don’t need to return the book, the drone will take care of that, and in the case of the audible or digital text, the access will be denied. [Solution to pain point 5] [Moonshot]
  13. The library should also have a recommender system or use collaborative filtering; it can suggest to you some of the books you want to read if you come again. [Moonshot]
Photo by Harrison Kugler on Unsplash


Shailesh: Now, let’s prioritize the different features since there is no constraint on the time and the resources, so what I would like to go for are the ones that are having the highest impact. I would like to have features #1, #5, #6, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13.

Success Metrics

Shailesh: Now, let’s see some of the success metrics which I would want to track

  1. An average number of daily visitors.
  2. Average percentage (%) occupancy of the library.
  3. Average time spent by a user in the library.
  4. Average percentage (%) of the returning users.
  5. An average number of books read by a user per month.
  6. Customer lifetime value or average revenue per user.
  7. Daily visitors / Monthly visitors to gauge the user’s stickiness to the offerings.

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