Success Metric for Airbnb?

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Understanding of Airbnb

Airbnb is an online marketplace connecting people who want to rent out their property with people looking for accommodations, typically for short stays. The goal is to provide a homely and local experience to the travellers.

Stakeholders and Value Derived by them

  1. Guests: Guests are able to get the accommodation by Successfully Booking property on Airbnb
  2. Hosts: Hosts are able to earn the money by Successful Booking of their property on Airbnb
  3. Airbnb: Airbnb is able to get the commission from the Successful Booking that happened on the platform.

North Star Metric

Successful Night Bookings per Day

Breakdown of North Star into L0 Metrics

Successful Night Bookings per Day → Daily Active Users * Listings Browsed per User * % Nights Booked per Listing

  1. Daily Active Users
  2. Listings Browsed per User
  3. Nights Booked per Listing

Breakdown of L0 Metrics into L1 Metrics

Daily Active Users

  1. User Growth MoM
  2. Repeat Users
  3. Monthly User Churn

Listings Browsed per User

  1. Daily Active Hosts
  2. Listings Per Host
  3. Host Churn Rate

Nights Booked per Listing

  1. Avg Fare per Night
  2. Booking Cancellation
  3. Avg. Rating of Listings

Counter Metrics

  1. Bookings with Report/Escalation
  2. Listings with < 2 Ratings

Top RCA Question Asked in Product Management Interview

  1. YouTube buffering has increased by 10%. How would you go about this?
  2. YouTube Watch Time is down by 5%. How would you go about this?
  3. The number of Trips on Uber has reduced by 10%. How would you go about this?
  4. Open Rate of Amazon Notifications was down by 20%. How would you go about this?
  5. Engagement on Netflix is down by 5%, How would you go about this?
  6. The response rate of LinkedIn Messages is Down by 5%, How would you go about this?
  7. Amazon Marketplace Orders are down by 6% Week on Week on the Platform. Diagnose this?
  8. Google Pay has seen a 15% drop in Rewards Redemption on the Platform, Diagnose this?
  9. Zomato has seen a 10% drop in engagement in User Generated Content on the Platform, Diagnose this?

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25 Common Job Interview Questions with Solution

  1. Question 1: Tell me about yourself.
  2. Question 2: What are your strengths?
  3. Question 3: What is your weakness?
  4. Question 4: Why should we hire you?
  5. Question 5: Why do you want to join this company?
  6. Question 6: Tell me about a time you showed leadership.
  7. Question 7: Tell me about a time you were successful on a team.
  8. Question 8: What would your co-workers say about you?
  9. Question 9: Why do you want to leave your current role?
  10. Question 10: Describe your most challenging project.
  11. Question 11: Tell me about something you’ve accomplished that you are proud of.
  12. Question 12: What are your salary expectations?
  13. Question 13: Tell me about a time you managed conflicting priorities.
  14. Question 14: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  15. Question 15: Tell me about a time you failed or made a mistake.
  16. Question 16: Tell me about a time you worked with a difficult person.
  17. Question 17: Tell me about a time you handled pressure.
  18. Question 18: Tell me about a time you had to learn something quickly.
  19. Question 19: Can you explain the gap in your resume?
  20. Question 20: Tell me about a time you surpassed people’s expectations.
  21. Question 21: What do you like to do outside of work?
  22. Question 22: What are you looking for in your next job?
  23. Question 23: Tell Me about a time you had to persuade someone.
  24. Question 24: Tell me about a time you disagreed with your manager.
  25. Question 25: Tell me about a time when you had to decide without data.

