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“What is Your Greatest Weakness?” Job Interview Question

Learn how to answer the dreaded “greatest weakness” interview question with confidence and land your dream job! Sample answers, expert tips, and more!

Shailesh Sharma
5 min readFeb 9, 2024


In the high-stakes arena of job interviews, the question about weaknesses can be a stumbling block or a stepping stone, depending on how you navigate it. This guide aims to demystify the art of answering the “What is Your Greatest Weakness?” question, allowing you to showcase authenticity, self-awareness, and the ability to grow.

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Why This Question Matters

Interviewers aren’t sadistic. They ask this for crucial reasons:

  • Self-awareness: Do you understand your strengths and limitations?
  • Growth mindset: Are you actively seeking improvement?
  • Honesty and humility: Can you be truthful without negativity?
  • Problem-solving: How do you tackle challenges you face?

Identifying and Reflecting on Weaknesses

  1. Self-Reflection: Take time to reflect on your own experiences, considering areas where you have faced challenges or received constructive feedback.
  2. Feedback from Others: Seek feedback from colleagues, mentors, or friends to gain an external perspective on areas where you can improve.
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Crafting Your Response

Choose a Genuine Weakness

Select a real weakness, but one that is not a critical requirement for the job. Be honest, but strategic in your choice.

Sample: “One weakness I’ve identified is my inclination to be overly critical of my own work. I often find myself spending more time than necessary perfecting details, which can sometimes lead to a delay in project completion.”

Showcase Self-Awareness

Demonstrate that you are aware of your weakness and its impact on your work.

Sample: “While my attention to detail ensures a high-quality output, I’ve realized that it can sometimes slow down the overall project timeline and impact team efficiency.”

Highlight Action Steps

Discuss the steps you’ve taken or are taking to address and overcome this weakness.

Sample: “To address this, I’ve actively started setting realistic deadlines for each task and seeking feedback from colleagues earlier in the process. I’ve found that this not only helps in managing my perfectionist tendencies but also enhances collaboration within the team.”

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Tailoring for Freshers and Experienced Professionals


Fresh graduates can focus on weaknesses related to limited experience, showcasing a willingness to learn and grow.

Sample: “As a recent graduate, my limited exposure to real-world projects is a weakness I acknowledge. However, I’m eager to bridge this gap by actively seeking mentorship and pursuing additional certifications.”

Experienced Professionals

Experienced professionals should share weaknesses that are relevant to their current career stage, emphasizing continuous improvement.

Sample: “Having been in the industry for several years, I’ve recognized that my familiarity with certain legacy systems is not as strong as I’d like it to be. To address this, I’ve enrolled in online courses to stay updated on the latest technologies.”

Emphasizing Growth and Learning

Conclude your response by emphasizing your commitment to personal and professional growth, turning the weakness into an opportunity for improvement.

Sample: “I view this weakness as an opportunity for continuous learning and improvement. By actively addressing it, I aim not only to enhance my own skills but also to contribute more effectively to the success of the team.”

5 Sample Responses

1. Fresh Graduate — Public Speaking:

“While I’m comfortable expressing myself in one-on-one settings, public speaking can sometimes make me nervous. This led to some initial hesitation during a group presentation in my last internship. However, I actively enrolled in a public speaking workshop and practiced delivering mock presentations to colleagues. Now, I feel more confident presenting my ideas clearly and engagingly.”

2. Experienced Professional — Delegation:

“As someone who takes pride in quality and ownership, delegating tasks to others can be challenging. In my previous leadership role, I initially micromanaged, leading to team frustration. Now, I prioritize clear goal setting, providing regular feedback, and empowering my team with decision-making autonomy. This has fostered a more collaborative and productive environment.”

3. Technical Role — Adaptability to New Technologies:

“Coming from a background in [specific technology], adapting to rapidly evolving technologies is an ongoing learning process. While I quickly mastered [previous technology], the shift to [new technology] initially presented a learning curve. To bridge this gap, I proactively enrolled in online courses and actively participate in online communities, ensuring I stay updated and adaptable.”

4. Sales/Marketing Role — Work-Life Balance:

“My passion for my work can sometimes lead to neglecting personal time. In my previous role, I occasionally burnt out due to extended work hours. To ensure a healthy balance, I now set clear boundaries, utilize time management tools, and actively prioritize activities outside of work, leading to improved wellbeing and renewed energy for my career.”

5. Creative Role — Taking Criticism:

“As a creative individual, I pour my heart and soul into my work, making constructive criticism initially challenging to receive. In my previous collaboration, I initially misinterpreted feedback as negativity. However, I’ve learned to see criticism as an opportunity for growth and actively seek feedback from trusted colleagues and mentors, leading to continuous improvement in my work.”

Bonus tips:

  • Stay positive: Focus on solutions, not dwelling on the problem.
  • Quantify your progress: Use data or specific examples to show improvement.
  • Tailor your answer: Match your weakness and action plan to the job requirements.
  • Practice out loud: Rehearse your answer to sound natural and confident.

Remember: Your “greatest weakness” is an opportunity to showcase your self-awareness, growth mindset, and problem-solving skills. So, face the dragon with courage, wield your words wisely, and claim your rightful reward!

Important Links

  1. Guesstimate Interview Questions
  2. Product Manager Resume Template
  3. Product Manager Mock Interview
  4. 50+ Product Manager Interview Questions
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